Here at Bayswood South we have a passion for Americans protecting their investments. It’s heartbreaking to hear story after story of people unable to sell their homes, or slammed with tens of thousands of dollars to overpriced remediation companies even in new homes. We believe this often has a lot to do with block foundations, and poorly done crawlspaces are a leading cause of some of these issues.
Thermal mass is how quickly temperatures can be transferred between surfaces. ICF walls and foundations stabilize temperatures. It is said that it can take as long as 48 hours before temperature fluctuations can occur.
Thermal mass and the built in insulation gives ICF homes a greater energy efficiency. Which of course is not only good for the environment but good for your pocket book too. It’s a common misconception that insulation is just for cold weather. It’s just as valuable for hot weather as well.
ICF homes are truly a difference you can not only feel but hear, or should we say NOT hear. It is remarkable the amount of outdoor noise you are protected from.
In a world where natural disasters seem to be on the climb ICF homes can give you the peace you need. Earthquakes, hurricane winds, and fire. ICF is a great protection against them all.
Unlike wood and drywall which has to be treated for mold resistance. ICF’s are naturally mold and mildew resistant. ICF’s create air tight walls that minimize moisture from entering. If it does get it in, ICFs are designed to allow moisture to evaporate out. You can also better control temperatures and humidity fluctuations which eliminates the risk of mold.
ICFs are a great way to minimize your chances of damage from pests. The steel reinforcements inside the ICFS and the strength of the concrete itself makes it impossible for termites to chew through the interior living spaces of your home. We know there is a common misconception that ICFs are susceptible to termites. The truth is, ICFs are made with a material that is unappealing to pests. A termite would have to burrow though more than 12’ of EPS to get to the roof trusses assuming it was a full wall ICF home. Below grade ICFs CAN pose more of a risk but here at Bayswood South we take all precautions to keep your investment safe. We have teamed up with a local pest control company who works with us during the building process. They spray the underground exterior of the home to help keep pests away. More importantly we install a termite and water proof material called Polyguard.
We at Bayswood South take your families health very seriously, as we do for our own family. Every home we build we will install a radon mitigation system, again ensuring not only the health of your family but also protecting your investment.
We at Bayswood South take your families health very seriously, as we do for our own family. Every home we build we will install a radon mitigation system, again ensuring not only the health of your family but also protecting your investment.
ICF homes are truly a difference you can not only feel but hear, or should we say NOT hear. It is remarkable the amount of outdoor noise you are protected from.
We are so passionate about ICF here at Bayswood South we now offer both ICF foundations and ICF to the rafter packages to other builders who are wanting to offer their clients energy efficient building solutions. ICF also makes the building process faster, and eliminates the need to find an affordable reputable framing contractor which we know is a challenge.